University High School Class of Winter 1961
Ileyne Moore (Winnick)
My name was Judy Winnick in high school.
My life has been wonderful! Family, Travels and Adventures!
I met my husband July 1962. When we married Dec. 27, 1964, my husband was in graduate school at UCLA where he received his PHD in Physics. Our one and only child, a son was born in early 1966. Thank goodness for Dr Spock’s book. I guess you can say the three of us grew up together. I loved being a stay at home mom. We lived in Culver City for a while then moved to Maryland. Great place to live & tour DC to visit museums, monuments and the White House, etc. We moved to Cupertino, CA in 1976. A great place to raise our son. We traveled a lot and experienced some great adventures. Here are just a couple. In 1986 we hiked to the top of Half Dome in one day. WOW! A SPECTACULAR VIEW! (luckily for us the hand rails had just been replaced). Lived in New Boston, NH & canoed the Piscataquog river. We landed in Livermore, CA in 1995 and we are still here. Our son is married to a wonderful woman. We have 2 amazing granddaughters.
See you,
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