University High School Class of Winter 1961
Frank Ponder
I went to Warner Ave thru 6th grade, and then to Emerson for 1 1/2 years... We moved to Beverly Hills and I graduated Beverly in 1961. I graduated UCLA, and then got a government job with FREE clothing, room, and board plus FREE travel to Viet Nam.. unfortunately I missed the flight to SE Asia, and ended up in Virginia. I’ve been married to Helen for 14 years, after dating for 18. Together we have 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters, and two male dogs. I was CEO of Bel Air Camera in Westwood Village for 30 years, and retired to invest in real estate. I have been very active in the local community, serving as president of the original Westwood Improvement District. I also am or have served on the following boards: Jewish Federation, Stephen Wise Temple, Hillel at UCLA, Westside Jewish Community Center, Democratic Central Committee, local homeowners association, Beverly High Reunion Committee & Union for Reform Judaism. My secret for longevity is to eat, drink and party. I never did drugs because I couldn’t roll a good joint. I like to cook and entertain.. This Corvid mess has made life much less enjoyable. My daughter finally allowed me to go to Trader Joe’s the other was my first visit out in 6 months. I’ve attended several of the reunions at the park and have enjoyed seeing old friends from Warner and Emerson in addition to meeting new people. I’ve known Joanie since first grade, and I remember Gay joining our class sometime later I think. I hope we can keep this group together.
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