University High School Class of Winter 1961
Richard Marrocco
This is Rich Marrocco writing. Who??? After Uni, I graduated from UCLA in 4 years and then did my best disappearing act from L.A. in 1965. I went to grad school at Indiana University and studied neuroscience. After a couple of years as a Hoosier, my adviser left for a professorship at UC Berkeley. He invited me to come with him to finish my Ph.D. I never felt at home in Bloomington, but I met my future wife there and she came with me, back to the west coast. I did a postdoc in Physiology at Cal for three years. Altogether, living in Berkeley from 1968-1973 was superfun! Got a real job at the University of Oregon in 1973 in Eugene, became a professor of neuroscience, had two kids and a good career, and retired in 2006. I left research but still loved teaching and taught University of Oregon students in Bend at a satellite campus until it closed in 2011. Since then, we have lived in Bend and my avocation as a landscape photographer has turned into a small business. I love photography! I have always been afraid to come to the reunions because I am a stranger to most of you. I might come to the next one, though…
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