University High School Class of Winter 1961
Bill Krauch
Bill Krauch
Santa Ynez, CA (30 miles north of Santa Barbara)
Education: UCLA BS in business
Married to Christine for 43 years
Military: Captain US Army. Served one year in Vietnam with 4th Infantry Division
Children: Ryan and Alicia. Seven grandchildren
Fun: Flying (private pilot with 3,300 hours);backpacking, golf, downhill skiing.
Business Career: Investing pension fund capital (like the Sate of California pension fund) in commercial real estate globally.
Health and Longevity:Moderation
Advice to seniors: Be thankful for the freedom and opportunities this country provides and pursue your passion.
Proudest achievement: accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior
Why are we here? To glorify God.

Many thanks to Dave Kuhn for organizing our next reunion.

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