University High School Class of Winter 1961
David Kuhn
Name then and now: David B. Kuhn, Jr.
Now live in Newport Beach, CA
Graduated from West Point in 1965 BS in Civil Engineering
Pilot, United States Air Force 1965-1970
Pilot Pacific Southwest Airlines 1970-1971
Community Planning and Development, The Irvine Company 1971-1978
VP Community Development Cadillac Fairview 1978-1982
Partner, Lane/Kuhn Pacific 1982-Present
President ProShot Golf 1990-Present
Married Rosemarie Stanton (UniHi S'62) in 1965
Son David Edward Kuhn 1969
Daughter Rose Emily Helm 1976
Granddaughter Rose Millicent Helm 2010
Activities: Tennis, Golf, Biking, Bridge,Traveling
Proudest Achievement: Marrying my High School Sweetheart and staying married 55 years and counting
Advice: Focus on the positive and be grateful for all your blessings.
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